Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I have come to realize that I'm really good at being aware of when I'm doing something wrong and determining in my heart to fix it. In the process, I'm realizing that I'm not so great at giving myself a pat on the back for the things I do right. So, I think in all fairness to myself it's time I recognize what talents, gifts, and strengths God has given me.

I am a good friend.
I love deeply.
I am a faithful person.
I am fair.
I have a kind heart.
I am a good Momma and a nurturer by nature.
I am organized and detail-oriented.
I love to give.
I see the glass as half-full.
I love to show love to people.

You know something? It was kind of hard to write those down and not put the "exceptions" out beside them. You know, those times that I know that I fail at those basic things. It was hard to not think of some moments when I did not exactly exemplify those things. But, I know, from a place deep within me, that those ten things are true, are good, are God-given, and are who I am. I know that God has designed me with gifts, talents, and the attributes that make me 'Me' on purpose. I was created and formed for a purpose. And I will live that out. I am determined to become what God created me to be. I will build a legacy that matters. I will leave to my children those things that are intangible. Those things that matter, not just in this life, but in the eternity that is to come. And I will strive to be excellent in all that I do.

With all of my determined heart,

Struggles and Perspective

Did you know that it takes effort to be positive? Did you know that our basic human nature says that life is hard, things aren't always great, and that we CAN'T do it all? I bet you didn't think I ever feel like that....I get told that often. People think I have it all together, that my life is a bunch of sunshine and daisies, and I am always happy. Ummmm....nope. Hate to break it to ya, but that not the truth. My life isn't a life of perfection. I get grumpy. OFTEN. I feel like my world is spinning out of control. I have a temper. (Don't pass out! lol!!!) I have a smart mouth. I tend to be sarcastic more often than I'm serious. I struggle with wanting to sit on my tush and do a big fat bunch of nothing. I don't like confrontations. I don't like to argue. But I do like to be right. So, I'm very good at debate. I get my feelings hurt - although I don't get offended easily - and I take things to heart more than people think I do. But, with all that said, there is one thing that keeps my life from being a big bowl of "feeling sorry for myself". And that is: Jesus.

Jesus gives me a peace in spite of myself. Jesus gives me the hope that I can be better, do better, and act better. Jesus gives me joy that I cannot explain. Jesus gives me spankings when I need it (He speaks to my heart, if I'll take the time to listen!) and He gives me instruction on how to do/be/act differently. Jesus gives me grace to be who I am, on the way to who He wants me to be. Jesus understands that I am human in every part of me and that it is through Him I am made perfect. In and of myself, I am absolutely nothing. But, Jesus shines through me and is the light through which I get His perspective on this crazy thing called life.

Today I've struggled with a short fuse. I've struggled with the list of things I need to do, versus the woman who is tired of doing the same thing every day. And I know that He'll give me the strength to do those things I've been called to do, because....well, because I've been called to do them! Being a stay-at-home mommy is a calling. I believe that with all my heart. It's a 24/7 job that doesn't give me sick days or time off to sit on my couch and stare at the sunshine on the floor. I'm on my feet, working, all day - every day. And you know what? It's what I'm called to do. I kiss boo-boos. I spank bottoms. I am the enforcer of time out. I am the peace-maker between warring siblings. I am the book reader, the story teller, the puzzle-putter-together-er, the chef, the dishwasher, the bath giver, the personal stylist....on and on and on. But most importantly - I am the Jesus my babies see every day. And because of that I choose to speak life. I choose to be positive. I choose to lay my weariness down at the feet of Jesus and pick up His strength. I choose to love with His love. And I realize that if it was up to me, and to me alone, it wouldn't be possible.

My friends, lay yourself at the feet of Jesus, and let Him shine through you. You'll be so very glad you did. And when we fail at what we're working so hard to do, remember that His mercy is new every day. We get a brand new start whenever we ask for it. And for that, I'm truly thankful.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Attitude is a choice

Hey there, my friends! Today has been one of "those days". You know, the kind that come once a month, last about a week, and cause you to drive everyone you love insane? Yeah, one of those days. BUT, I know that a bad attitude is a choice and I CHOOSE to NOT have one. :) So, I've spent some time talking to God about it - speaking of, He is the very best friend ever. He totally listens, gets what I'm saying, doesn't judge me, and helps me cope. Seriously! What better friend is there? - and I'm doing what it takes to make sure I am equipped to handle the responsibilities I've been blessed to have.

I'd like to encourage you guys today, to take some time for yourself when you're having a day (week?) like I'm currently having. Do like my friend told me and put yourself in time out. :) Talk to the very best friend you'll ever find (Jesus) and then do what it takes to make yourself feel better. Eat something good for you. Drink some water. Drink some SPARK! LOL! Maybe grab a piece of chocolate. Perhaps, go for a walk. And remember: A bad attitude is, ultimately, a choice. You get to choose how you react to life. So, choose wisely! I'm doing my best to follow that advice! What's right isn't always easy; but it is always right. :)

Let's live a life of blessing, remembering that what comes out of our mouth will be manifested in our world.

Here's to choosing life and speaking it with our mouths!

Prayers, spark, and a piece of chocolate ~
<3 Kim

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Keeping my eye on the prize

I'm on a journey of transformation. I want to transform from the inside to the outside - but just as I'm working hard to transform on the inside, I have to put some effort into transforming the outside of me. So, I'm on a weight loss journey as well.

I recently found a cool pin on Pinterest that I thought is a GREAT visual for weight loss. I went to Walmart last night and got what I needed to make one for myself. Here's how it turned out:

I think it turned out pretty cute! My sweet hubby helped me pick everything out and the stones we chose, to represent the pounds I've lost and want to lose, also have significance toward where we have set our goals for our future. They are gold, red, and clear. For those of you in the AdvoCare world, you know that is GoldRuby, and Diamond! I put it in front of a small picture I have on my dresser as a reminder of the heart transformation I'm pursuing also. A daily reminder to go after those things that are important to me....

So, now I have a daily visual of the weight I want to lose, the heart transformation I am going after, and the financial transformation we are working hard to achieve.

Here's to changing my world - and beginning by changing ME!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Awesome Mail-Day!

Today I decided to check the mail. I usually let Mia get it when she gets off of the bus, but for some reason I decided to do it myself today. And boy am I glad I did! :) I had THREE packages waiting on me! I was so excited! Two had girly things I had ordered for myself and for my girls, but the 3rd was the one that caught me by surprise!

Kurt and I recently hit a milestone with AdvoCare and the company recognized us for that success! How cool is that?! =D Here's what we received:

It means so much to know that we have a team of people, mentors and friends, that believe in us, truly CARE about us, and are absolutely willing to HELP us achieve those things that we set our mind to. Kurt and I will be debt free by the end of this year. Our goal is to achieve that by July, if at all possible. And I absolutely know it's possible!

I know that I usually blog more about spiritual things, but today I just want to bask in the excitement of setting a goal, reaching it, and looking ahead to where we are going. Our future is very bright. With our hearts in the right place (set on Jesus), our minds filled with declarations of life, and our feet walking the path God has set before us - there is nothing but good things in our future.

I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.     ~Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) 

Standing on His promises and walking out in faith,