Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My favorite season is Autumn. I even like the word Autumn. It's pretty! The whole season is just gorgeous...I mean, not really where I happen to live, but I know how beautiful it can be! haha! My Aunt always used to say, "We don't have fall in this part of Texas. We just have 'fell'. We wake up one morning and all the leaves are just on the ground. They fell overnight." It is soooo true! LOL!

But, Autumn, in general is a season of warm scents, beautiful colors, cool days and gentle breezes. Just thinking about it makes me smell the spices and warm smells. I can feel the warmth of fireplaces being lit for the first time since summer. I can hear the laughter and sounds of families gathering around tables for games, food, and the making of memories. This is what Autumn means to me. Peace, joy, and warmth.

But after that comes winter. Yuck. Cold, bitter winds. Yucky nasty rain. No color - just gray skies most days - and more rain.... And then that turns into Spring!!! Fresh air, cool brisk breezes, beautiful flowers, happy kiddos who GET TO GO OUTSIDE AGAIN! The anticipation of summer time and all that comes with the hot days and no school! :)

These are the season we go through in the physical...so how does that translate into the spiritual? Well, let's take a look...

Look back on your life. What did winter look like? Was that a trial you went through? A place where you weren't sure which end was up...a time where you weren't sure if God was there...maybe you questioned His very existence? I know I've been in that place. It's hard, it's dark, it's lonely, and it's - quite honestly - very very scary. And then walks in someone, or something happens, that brings a ray of sunshine. You see the hope in them and it brings to life a hope in you. It's like a brisk wind blowing the cobwebs off of your hurting soul. Flowers begin to bloom. Birds begin to sing. You have hope for a future! And then comes summer....time seems to drag on.... you are just basking in the warmth of God's love and all the activities and FUN stuff you are getting to do! Everything is exciting! Everything is FUN! You hope this NEVER ends...!!! And then everything gets quiet. Before you know it, the sun isn't quite so bright. The days are getting cooler. Maybe your passion is waning just a bit. Things that made your heart pound, the worship music that would bring you to tears in the first few lines, don't affect you quite so deeply....you realize that you need to dig a little deeper. Now you have a choice. Are you going to dig? Are you going to curl up by the fireplace and develop that relationship that will take you through the next year? Are you going to turn to those you see that have the fruit in their life that you want to produce? Are you going to take this quiet time and invest in your future?

I feel like I've been through the winter, spring, and then summer in the last few years - and now God has given me a season of Autumn. I am able to grow and nourish the relationships I've been blessed with. I'm in a season of learning and teaching. A season of nurturing and loving. And it's all in preparation for the winter that is coming. I know that God gives us times of quiet for a purpose, and if used wisely, these moments strengthen us for the journey ahead. It's in these quiet times that we are given space to safely grow, to lean on those around us for wisdom, to glean as much as we can from His word, from His spirit, from His love, and to take those things WITH us into the next season of our life. What I also know is that when we are adequately prepared, the next season is less scary, it's less difficult, it seems to last not as long, and we are able to actually enjoy it and not just endure it.

Let me challenge you today to think hard. Discover for yourself where you are. And then react appropriately. Think ahead to where you are going, and prepare yourself for that time. Know that God is with you in all seasons and all seasons are given for a purpose. As you move through the seasons of this life, remember to move through the season of God with purpose, with a serious intent, and with a passion for where you are as you look ahead to where you are going.

With every ounce of my quiet, determined, heart -

Monday, February 27, 2012


"Your words create your world" is a statement that has completely gotten in my gut. I have realized that life and death, truly are, in the tongue. That what I say DOES impact my life.

So many things in my life have tried to teach me this!

"Think before you speak!"
"Listen more than you talk!"
"Positiveness is important!"

And then that got me to thinking...what does the Bible say about this subject? I know I've heard it over the years that the tongue is the most difficult muscle to control...but why have I never really thought about this before? So, I did some digging and here is what I found:

Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.

Proverbs 12:13 An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble.

Proverbs 13:2 From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things, but the unfaithful have a craving for violence.

Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.

Proverbs 21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity. 

Pretty plain, isn't it?....

So, my prayer today has been this: Let me listen more than I speak. Let me hear the voice of God speak through me. May I forever speak LIFE and refuse to speak DEATH. I will speak life over my children. I will speak life over my husband. I will speak life over myself. I will create a world, with my mouth, in which God reigns supreme, blessings are given and received, and fruit is shown. 

I want to live a life of blessing. Not just a life of receiving blessings - although, I do want to receive blessings! - but a life that is a blessing!!! 

Today I challenge you to think before you speak - and when you DO speak, think about the words that are coming out of your mouth. Are you speaking life? Are you speaking blessings? Are you creating a world you want to live in?....The power is truly, absolutely, yours. What will you do with that power? 

With my ears and heart wide open,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pj's and Puzzles

I read a blog yesterday that completely changed my world. How many times have I been Mount Saint Mommy and erupted over the smallest little thing?! "OH MY WORD? REALLY!?! You dropped CRUMBS on my CARPET! GET TO THE TABLE!!!" As if the world was about to end right this minute if my kid dropped another crumb on a totally vacuum-able floor. In that moment, what should have been more important? My kid - who, by the way, was totally mesmerized by the book he was reading and had NO CLUE that a crumb dropped on the floor - Or my carpet? .....no brainer, right?..... You'd think so...

So, today I woke up with the determination to do different. (You see, I've realized that wanting to change, and actually changing are completely different. I must do in order to become.) Today I am remembering "don't sweat the small stuff while sweating the small stuff", as Robbie Page so perfectly put it. Today I have a mental picture of myself at age 2, age 3, age 5, and age 8. I am remembering what life was like then, so that I can give my kiddos the grace and the room to be 2, 3, 5, and 8. Today I am remembering that obedience is important, love is important, grace is important, and my children are important. My carpet is NOT important. 

On this rainy Friday, we have stayed in our pj's, we have done puzzles, we have played Thomas the Train UNO, we have laughed, we have giggled, we have hugged and snuggled, and we have been 2, 3, 5, and 8 - together.

And so, I want to extend Robbie's challenge to YOUGirls....take a big deep breath.  Let go of the control and open your hands so that your knuckles can get some blood back in them.  Decide that you are going to live in their worlds today. Smile, be safe, be love, be everything God called a MOMMY to be.

And I ask you to do this also: Go read her blog. Read it for yourself. Take from it what speaks most to you. And then let's do different, together.

With all the "mommy love" in my determined heart,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

IHOP at Midnight

I had reached a brick wall tonight and I was feeling deflated and frustrated. I called a dear friend to firm up some plans and she scolded me! (Can you believe it!?!) "Don't Quit!", she said. "Don't ever doubt in the dark what God promised you in the light!" .....Words to live by, right there..... 

So, I didn't. I didn't quit. And I stopped doubting. Guess what happened? Yup....God showed up and God showed out! 

Girls, I want to tell you: Never doubt the impact you are having on a life. Never doubt what you know your purpose is. And I want you to remember this - God created YOU on purpose and He created YOU for a purpose. Ain't no accidents here, girlfriend! ;)

Tonight I learned that spontaneity is infectious, that laughter among friends is the best kind, and that I am so very blessed to have the friends that I do. Isn't it amazing how God brings along ladies that are just exactly what you need, right when you need them? Honey, we don't find each other by accident! :) God knows we need each other - and he created friendship...yep, you guessed it!...on purpose!!!

So, at 2:35am, as I'm just finishing up getting Mia's school clothes laid out and her lunch packed - because I caught the spontaneity bug and jumped in the car and went to IHOP at midnight with my mom and a friend - I just want to tell YOU:

Don't Quit!
And sweetheart, don't you EVER doubt in the dark what God promised you in the light!!!

Words to live by, indeed.

With blurry eyes and a happy heart,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The journey of "Yes!" update

So, I've been on this journey of "Yes!" for around 48 hours now and I thought you might be curious to see how it's going. The first hour was the hardest. The second hour got easier. And from there it went up and down. What I know is this: My life will never be the same.

I look back on all the times in my life that I did say "Yes" and I have to admit so much good has come from those moments. Yes to Jesus. Yes to my husband. Yes, four times, to having a child. Yes to AdvoCare. Yes to obedience. Yes to a "One and 2 kind of love". Yes, yes, yes, YES!

What's amazing about this journey I'm on is that I see everything differently. It's like I've got a whole new set of eyes. I see my husband differently, my kids differently, my home - and the work it takes to keep it running - differently, my AdvoCare business differently....everything is just different. There is a new meaning to it all. My purpose has become clear. It's not about ME, it's about what I can offer to those things that are a part of my life. It's about the Jesus that's inside of me being visible on the outside. It's about my attitude, my 'thinking', my heart, and how that each of those things completely affect what comes out of my mouth. And I've learned that I can choose what kind of life I want to live simply by the words I allow to come out of my mouth. I can choose to speak death, or I can choose to speak life! I can choose to be negative, or I can choose to be an encourager! I can choose to judge, or I can choose to love! The rewards are so much bigger than I even imagined!

Won't you join me on this journey?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Confirmation and Transformation

Wow. Wow. Wow! God is absolutely amazing...just in case you haven't noticed. ;) I have been doing a lot of introspection lately and digging deep to change some things about myself so that I can make a difference in my world. I know that change begins with me. As a woman I highly respect says, You have to "Be the change you want to see". So, if I want my world to be different, I must be different. As I've headed out on this journey, I've had my eyes opened to my own humanity, the selfishness that comes along with that, and the fact that the only good in me is Jesus Christ himself.

I got on a webinar/bible study last night call 'Pink Life' (If you are interested in learning more about it, go to One and 2 and check it out. It's definitely worth your time!) and God totally confirmed for me that this journey I am on is right. That what I am realizing about myself is not uncommon. That it is possible to change. And that there are women who are willing to put in the time to teach me, mentor me, and love on me through the journey. Thank you, Jesus!!! I can't imagine having to try and do this alone!

I'd like to share with you one major point that I came away with last night - maybe it will trigger a desire in your for something more, as it did for me.

The verse that Robbie gave us to memorize, hide in our heart, and walk out was Romans 12:2.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (NLT)

Wow. Talk about an awakening. I was amazed.....I know this verse....I've heard this verse all my life! Why in the world was last night the first time that it slapped me in the forehead? Maybe it's because, for the first time, I was ready to hear - truly, open-heartedly, hear. 

I woke up the last two mornings with this thought and I am clinging to His promises. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (NLT) - Jeremiah 29:11

I know, with everything in me, that my God loves me, He has great plans for me, and without Him I am nothing. I am excited to walk this thing out and become transformed.

With all of my determined heart,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Default Response

"Hi. My name is Kim, and I have a default response of "No"."
"Hi, Kim." (The small crowd drones)
.....Okay, now what?.....

I've realized something. Something yucky. Something very ugly. And something that is holding me back from who God has called me to be. I seem to love the word NO.

No, we can't do that right now.
No, mommy doesn't want to play a game right now. I need to <insert task>.
No, I'm too tired.
No, we can't afford that.
No, I don't want to.
No, no, no, NO, NOOOOO!

Pretty ugly, huh?

So, in my quiet time today I had to really think long and hard about this. Why am I this way? It seems that if it's not my idea, if it's not my way, if it's not on my terms, I say "No". I don't do it on purpose, but I still do it. So, now that God has quickened my heart to this problem, what am I going to DO about it?

I have decided to give myself a challenge. I am going to completely eliminate the word "No" from my vocabulary for 1 week. I am curious to see how my life is different one week from today. I've decided I'm not going to start tomorrow morning, or on Monday, or on any of the usual start-something-new days. I'm going to start right now. Right this very minute. Including posting this blog - even though it means I'll have admitted to the world my utter ugliness and selfishness. But you know what? That means I'm going to be accountable. I'll have people who will be looking to see how I've done. I'll have people praying for me that my heart is completely, and forever, changed. (I'm starting to get excited!) I can't wait to see what God does in me. I have a feeling this ain't gonna be easy....but when is anything worth doing, easy?

So, in the words of a man I greatly admire, Richard Wright, "FIRE! ...ready, aim..."

Saying, "Yes"!

"I'm not a hugger"

Have you ever read the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman? (If you haven't, I highly recommend it. It is an eye-opener for sure! Click ) Well, he explains how that we all express and receive love in at least one of five ways. For those of you that know me, I'm sure you've figured out by now, I'm a "Words of Affirmation" and "Quality Time". What you may not know is that HERE to learn more about it.) I scored a whopping '1' on "Physical Touch".  That would explain why I'm not a hugger. I'll tell you I love you, appreciate you, miss you, etc, ALL DAY LONG. But a hug? Yeah....not so much....

It became apparent to me recently that my children, on the other hand, are fluent in the "Physical Touch" love language. And they don't take too kindly to my annoyance at being constantly climbed on! What I realized is this: my kiddos are exactly like their daddy. They speak and receive love via "Physical Touch" and "Quality Time".

So, my conundrum was established - 1) I had to either deprive my kiddos of love in a very meaningful way to them OR 2) suck it up and get to hugging! It was an easy answer. :) I chose option 2.

Now, don't get me wrong, I snuggled my babies - but I did it when it was convenient for ME. I loved on my kiddos - but I did it when I felt like it. It was a selfish love. And that's not at all the mommy I wanted to be.

Having decided to receive love from my kiddos the way THEY speak love, I found myself having to literally have a conversation with myself, in my head, that went something like this:

"Kim, go hug your kid."

Or maybe like this:

(as I was being climbed all over by 4 sets of limbs, snotty faces, and slobbery kisses)
"Kim, there will come a day when these very same babies won't even WANT to be in your lap. Learn to LOVE this!"

And do you know what happened? I BECAME A HUGGER! :) It's amazing how that when you realize it's not about ME and you DECIDE to be different, ON PURPOSE, changes happen. And it's soooo much easier than I thought it would be!!! I must admit, it took time. I didn't wake up one morning and just hug everyone in sight, and get super excited when I got climbed up by 4 little monkeys, but I've realized the comfort that can be found in a simple embrace. In the warmth of a slobbery kiss. In the quiet moments of an impromptu snuggle. I've discovered the dishes can wait, the world won't end if the laundry piles up higher than Mount Everest, or if the toilet goes another day without a good scrubbing. These moments, right now, are too important to let pass by.

I can only assume that I'm not the only person who has dealt with this in the world. So, if you find a piece of yourself in my story, I would challenge you to reach out - literally - to the people that care about you. Hug on them a little bit. Show them that you love them. SHOW them that you appreciate them. Try to not speak it with words every time, but instead say it with your arms. Be open to their embraces and let them show you, the way they know best how to, that they love you! Receive it and allow your heart to hear the words they are so passionately speaking through their arms - "I love you!".

So, the next time I see you and I reach out to hug you, hug me back! This whole "hugging thing" is a new thing for me! As I'm learning that it's not about me, that it's about others, I'm learning to let my preconceived notions of who I am go on out the door. And in it's place I'm learning that I am able to be more. More than I ever thought possible. More than I even thought I wanted to be, quite honestly.

And I have to say....I really like it.

Hugs and loves,