Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's on my mind...

Life has a way of getting crazy busy and making time just slip right on by. Have you ever noticed that? I remember when summer seemed to drraaaaggg on and on, and now it flies right on by.

As I get older, and as my children are growing up so stinkin' fast, I am learning the art of slowing down, relishing the moment I'm in, and realizing that it's okay if "the list" doesn't get accomplished. I have other things that matter more to me than whether or not someone might show up unannounced and find that my house isn't immaculate. I have learned that there are things I can do to keep my sanity (keep the kitchen and bathrooms clean, pick up the floors twice a day, etc.) but not steal all of my time away from those 5 precious people that God has given me. I have started taking pictures again. I have decided that if something were to happen to me my family will have memories, not just in their minds, but actual, physical, hang-on-to, pictures and videos with which to remember the love that we have in this home. I have decided that my job as the "home-maker" extends far beyond keeping the house clean and the clothes washed. While those things are still part of my job description, they are not the measure by which my success will be decided. My success at this job will be decided by the love I show, the things I teach my children, the time I give my husband, the joy with which I live, and the intangible things I leave behind.

I wonder how many of us, as women, get so caught up in the things we need to do, the places we need to go, the errands we need to run, the bills we need to pay, the surfaces we need to clean, the clothes we need to wash....the list goes on and on.... that we forget that our time is the most precious thing we have. We forget that once a moment is past, it is gone forever. We forget that the people for which we are doing those very things are the absolute MOST important piece of the puzzle. I wish we would learn to just STOP and laugh. Just STOP and let our kids be kids! Let them run in the livingroom! Let them act crazy and silly, while sitting on the floor laughing at them until they've had their fill of our attention. I wish we would set aside "the list" and let the kiddos dictate the day sometimes. I wish we would let our kids "help" more. Even if it does take 4 times as long to accomplish a task! I wish we would remember that we -and we alone - are responsible for the memories our children will have as adults. We are responsible for the adults they will one day be. We are showing them their worth through the time we are willing to give them.

I have a challenge for you today, if you'd like to take it. Take a good measure of your life. Look at your days, look at your week, look at your month.....what is it full of? What do your actions show to be the most important thing to you? Is it "the list"? Is it "the job"? Is it "your commitments"? Or is it your family? How can you change your actions to reflect your heart?....If your heart says one thing, and your actions are showing another, how can you fix that?....

Now, GO! Do THAT! :)

Love on your family. Have time for your man. Sit on the floor with your kids. Hey, sit in the dirt with your kids! Remember that kiddos are washable and dirt never hurt anybody (whispering* and that means you too!!!*) and memories are forever! Love with your whole heart, with your time, and with your actions!

Be blessed, my friends.

With all the love in my determined heart,


  1. Wow I wish every mom in the world could get a grasp of this. I wish I had done more of this when Blake was little. We may have a better relationship today. Not saying we have a bad one, but it could be better is all. Kimberly you have been given a revelation on family. Thanks for sharing it for us and with us. May God bless you and your little family. I love you all very much.!!! Hugs and Kisses.... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    1. I understand what you mean. I think all parents look back with 20/20 vision. And I'm sure I will, also. I just want to live on purpose, you know? That's my heart's desire....

      I love you, too!!! So, very very much! xoxoxoxo

  2. That's awesome Kim. Good thoughts to ponder!
