Monday, June 11, 2012


I woke up this morning with a smile, a light heart, and the joy that comes only from the Father.

The special song from service yesterday is still going in my mind.

All I can think about is that I'm so thankful for the mercy of the Father. I'm so grateful that He died for sinners like me.

I have struggled so much with the judgement that 'Christians' have shown me and others who have failed. I've had a hard time with people who are more focused on the 'rules' of living for God, than being focused on the people we're commissioned to love. It's only been in the past year or two that I've begun to see that those people were wrong, living for God isn't supposed to be hard and nearly impossible, and that the love of God is what is supposed to soak us to our very core. THE LOVE OF GOD should radiate from us and be what others see. It's the purpose behind all we do. It's the light that guides our way. It's the hope that we have for our own salvation and it's what we should share to give others that same hope.

I'm so peaceful today in my realization that I can't do this alone. I'm not designed to! And that brings me so much joy. The pressure to become something better, more deserving of God's grace, is gone! Today I'm walking in the realization that I have no rights to anything - yet, my Father loves me so much that it is mine anyway.

This burning passion in my heart for people, for the people who have no hope, the people who just need to be's a gift from God. And it's who he designed me to be. It's only through my loving Him and drawing closer to Him that He can use that heart to reach my brothers and sisters who need Him too.

I want to love like He does.

~ Kim

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