Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Timely Reminder

It's been one of those days.

I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately.

I've yelled at my kids more than I'd like to admit, I've actually thrown a small basket of toys down onto the floor, I've slammed a door once (okay, fine, I did it twice) and I've just been rather unpleasant to be around.

I'm frustrated.
I'm overwhelmed.

And the kiddos didn't get the "let's be perfect angels for mommy today" memo. So, they have been absolutely crazy today.

So, before I completely lost my temper or went bonkers, I put them all in their rooms for some quiet time. The girls are reading books and the boys are watching a short movie. I knew I needed some time to breathe and get myself pulled back together. I was at a loss of how to do that so I just sat down at the computer and started reading my old blogs. I don't really know why....I just kind of was drawn to them. As I was reading I found this one and oh. my. goodness. It's exactly where I'm at today. As I read it the tears started to well up in my eyes and it was a timely reminder for me that this job I have, this stay-at-home mommy thing, is a calling, that I am allowed to have bad days but that it's my calling to be Jesus to my babies and so I don't get to be ugly. I was reminded that my words create my world, and so spouting off about how frustrated I am isn't exactly productive. Last I checked, that's not really speaking life into the situation....  Oops....

I think it's time I remember about the day I learned to be 2, 4, 5, and 9 with my babies. I need to take it down a notch and remember what I'm here to do. I'm here to be Jesus to these babies. And I'm here to be the very best mommy I can be. I need to slow things down and quit stressing myself out about the things I can't control and follow my own advice - "Love on your family. Have time for your man. Sit on the floor with your kids. Hey, sit in the dirt with your kids! Remember that kiddos are washable and dirt never hurt anybody (whispering* and that means you too!!!*) and memories are forever! Love with your whole heart, with your time, and with your actions!" 

So, I'm wiping the tears away, I'm gonna go hug my kids and tell them I'm sorry for being a bratty mommy this morning, and we're gonna start this day over. I only get one shot at this thing and I'm not going to let myself have a bad attitude and create a world full of 'yuck' for my babies.

Pulling myself up by my bootstraps,

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